Monday, 23 February 2015

Armpit DIY: The New Trend in Fashion

Feminist issues seem to be popping up on the internet more than ever at the moment. Both women and men having conflicting thoughts on certain issues, on of them being appearance. Recently, an issue I have seen pop-up the most is the argument over women's “unwanted” body hair. Now let’s get real, there’s no such thing as a hairless woman unless they are spending hundreds to even thousands of dollars on laser hair treatment, or they are just simply an angel sent from heaven. All of us have hair that is deemed to be unattractive to the opposite sex and we may have gone through expensive, dangerous and even extremely painful ways to get rid of it, and for what? So that we look like what we are expected to look like as women? Trying to impress men or women with our false perfection? 

All women grow up and get to the certain age where they are under pressure or told to shave their body hair, and men grow-up with the illusion that women are soft, hairless, beautiful creatures that never use the bathroom or do anything deemed as “gross.” Now, with the rise of the brazilian becoming popular, there’s even more hair to worry about and to be honest, I can’t be bothered with it anymore. In my experience, I’ve waxed, bleached, tweezed and brutally shaved as much as I can and need a break. After developing scars from shaving over stubborn razor bumps accidentally and continuously cutting the most delicate areas, I think enough is enough. 
Now, no one wants to see body hair these days and it’s not just women, men have certain obligations to shave down there and up there too, but for the most part, women are obliged or expected to shave more than men. 

Personally, I almost became immune to the thought of growing my hairs out due to years and years of being told that it’s not socially acceptable, feminine, or pretty to grow it all out, it’s hard to even imagine myself being comfortable getting to that point. You never see it in fashion or beauty magazines. Models look perfect and “clean”. When have you ever seen Kate Moss with hairy legs? Nothing is out of place, but it’s not real. Fashion trends ultimately are made by what’s popular with the people during a certain period. So we have a say on what’s popular, especially with social media sites these days like Instagram and Tumblr where people are bombarded by images every second. 

I grew up loving fashion and beauty. I stole my mother’s red Dior lipstick to wear at pre-school and since then, have always taken a consideration (not too seriously) into my appearance, because for me, it’s a fun way to express myself and have fun. The first time I was introduced to the idea that unwanted hair was cool and not a big deal, was when I began my first year of art school. Art kids are known for their “not giving a fuck” attitude and it’s exactly that. I met young women who couldn’t care less how they appeared to men, though not in a dishevelled kind of way. Still fashionable, still feminine and still strong, their confidence inspired me and was beautiful. Using their style as a way to promote a little bit of who they were and what they were saying with just small style choices.

So why not make “unwanted” hair a new fashion statement? Since some women find it hard to except things unless they're in trend or in a magazine, I think a perfect way to allow more people to become adjusted to the idea of normal hair growth is to expose it as “high fashion.” As soon as women and men are exposed to it 24/7 by social media, billboards etc. The idea will not seem so far-fetched or abnormal. But unfortunately, it has been done before and never reached a commercial audience, probably due to lack of advertisement.

After storming around the internet trying to find more information on confident women that were all for growing it all out, I came across a few DIY videos of women dying their armpit hair different colours. More ways to use your Manic Panic other than just on your head! This idea is so punk and strong but gives the idea of unwanted hair such a fun twist. It almost mocks the ideals of beauty in the sense that you’re making something “unwanted” and something to hide, even more visible to the public. So, let’s make this into a real trend that people actually notice! Play it up with beads even and maybe braid it if it’s able to grow that long. Shave it into shapes and make it original. There’s no reason to hide a natural thing or feel uncomfortable with something that everyone has. By making a fashion statement with your unwanted hair, I believe it will help the negativity of unwanted hair diminish by exposing it more as a beautiful, fun and fashionable way to be original. So, let’s start now! Make it a fashion statement! Make it fun! Treat your unwanted hair like how you treat the hair on your head. If it’s clean, it can’t be gross. 

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